Stacy Kranitz

As It Was Give(n) to Me by Environmental Humanities Hub

Stacy Kranitz, American

As It Was Give(n) to Me

This photograph was captured by Stacy Kranitz and displays a mountaintop removal mining site in West Virginia.  The green patch seen at the top of the blank mountain is a cemetery that families are given regular access to despite its rather remote location.  This work is part of a collection created by Kranitz titled “As It Was Give(n) to Me” which includes photos of the communities and environment of Appalachia affected by coal extraction which in turn directly causes water contamination, polluted air, and ultimately sickness of its people.  This photo is encapsulating in its exposure of the truth of coal mining in Appalachia.  It is powerful in its blunt statement and proof of the destruction of the beautiful scenery of the Appalachian mountains. Label by Callie Sties