Ecologies of Global Migration
Widespread displacement as a result of a warming climate naturally sparks a global diffusion of culture and tradition, disrupting geographical and societal boundaries and collapsing the physical and psychological distance between communities; in other words, the world is not only getting hotter, it is getting smaller, too. Ecologies of Global Migration seeks to show you how migrants travel hundreds of miles in search of safety, shelter, and opportunity, bringing their memories with them wherever they go.
Learn about the gallery by cycling through the selected pieces on the right.
A Kiribati climate refugee staring at the sea
Humanitarian Aid Post Hurricane Matthew (#40) / Pestel, Haiti
Underwater Cabinet Meeting, Maldives, October 17, 2009
Centro De Permanenza Temporanea (Temporary Detention Center)
Carlos Tiul, an Indigenous farmer whose maize crop has failed, with his children