Modern Man Followed by the ghosts of his Meat / by Environmental Humanities Hub

Sue Coe, English

Modern Man Followed by the ghosts of his Meat, 1990

Sue Coe’s work, Modern Man Followed by the hhosts of his Meat, depicts the desensitization and apathy of modern people about where their food comes from and how it is produced. Coe grew up near a slaughterhouse in Hersham, England, and was, like most people, told not to think or question big agriculture. In the United States, lobbyist groups activity fuel money into Congress and nationwide advertisements to keep in good favor with their consumers as they hide their environmental harm and animal abusive practices. As people continue to wrestle with the concept of “speciesism” and treating animals with respect, artists like Coe force their audiences to at least acknowledge how their consumption of meat is that of an animal, something that once lived and felt. Label by Clarissa Cantacuzene