American Heartbreakers / by Environmental Humanities Hub

Desiree Duell, American

American Heartbreakers, 2016

Desiree Duell utilizes art in multiple mediums to strengthen and heal deprived communities. Duell directed “America’s Heartbreakers,” which was a performance that consisted of women dressed in white hazmat suits with a red broken heart on the chest, surrounding the word “FLINT”. The broken heart dripped down the front of the suits, puddling around the crotch. The performance occurred to raise awareness about the impact the Flint Water Crisis had on women’s reproductive health. Many women had miscarriages as a result of consuming poisoned water. “America’s Heartbreakers” had three primary objectives including helping those participating heal, reveal the hidden trauma in Flint, and exhibit how devastating the Flint Water Crisis was on a physical and emotional level. Label by Elsa Rall