Burnt Pencil Pines, Lake Mackenzie (Tasmania) / by Environmental Humanities Hub

Rob Blakers, Australian

Burnt Pencil Pines, Lake Mackenzie (Tasmania), 2016

This photograph was taken by Rob Blakers in coordination with Greenpeace. This photo displays a single tree left standing on the island of Tasmania. Dry lightning strikes have caused fires to destroy this World-Heritage listed forest. This can be seen as an example of slow violence - showcasing the slow, but devastating impacts of deforestation in rather remote parts of the world. In hand, the destruction of these lands directly affects natives therefore causing issues of environmental justice in that it is taking away people’s way of survival. The way in which there is only a small part of the tree left can be seen as a metaphor for how little of wildlife and nature we have left to preserve. While the Earth in its most purest form would be a full, lush, thriving tree - this image displays what little portion of the Earth society has left to preserve. Label by Callie Sties