Windley Key, Florida / by Environmental Humanities Hub

Chandan Khanna, Indian, born 1980

Windley Key, Florida, 2020

This image was included in the article “Why We Can't Ignore the Link Between COVID-19, Climate Change and Inequity” in a collection of photos titled “America at a Standstill”. Though it might seem like an odd choice to select this image when asked to pick an artwork, I think this photograph does an excellent job of encapsulating all of what’s at stake in this week’s readings. The link between COVID-19 and climate change is a theme that figured prominently in many of this week’s texts. Though the water in this image might appear placid and serene, there is the tacit acknowledgment, provided by the beach chairs and tables juxtaposed against it, that the scene is one wrought with a degree of inherent precarity. Label by Jay Jolles